How to Play Video in External Player (like MXPlayer) in React Native?
Image by Ehud -

How to Play Video in External Player (like MXPlayer) in React Native?

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Are you tired of using the default video player in React Native? Want to give your users a better video playback experience? Look no further! In this article, we’ll show you how to play videos in an external player like MXPlayer in React Native. Buckle up and let’s dive in!

Why Use an External Video Player?

Before we dive into the tutorial, let’s talk about why you might want to use an external video player in the first place. Here are some reasons why:

  • Better Performance**: External players like MXPlayer are optimized for video playback, providing a smoother and more efficient experience for your users.
  • More Features**: External players often come with additional features like subtitle support, playback speed control, and more, which can enhance the overall video playback experience.
  • Customization**: By using an external player, you can customize the video playback experience to fit your app’s branding and style.


Before we start, make sure you have the following:

  • React Native installed on your machine (version 0.60 or later)
  • A project set up with React Native
  • MXPlayer or another external video player installed on your device (for testing purposes)

Step 1: Install the `react-native-mxplayer` Package

To play videos in MXPlayer from your React Native app, you’ll need to install the `react-native-mxplayer` package. Run the following command in your terminal:

npm install react-native-mxplayer

Or, if you’re using yarn:

yarn add react-native-mxplayer

Step 2: Import the `MXPlayer` Component

In your React Native component, import the `MXPlayer` component from the `react-native-mxplayer` package:

import MXPlayer from 'react-native-mxplayer';

Step 3: Create a Function to Play the Video

Create a function that will play the video in MXPlayer when called:

const playVideo = () => {{
    url: '',
    title: 'Example Video',
    subTitle: 'Optional Subtitle',

In this example, we’re playing a video from a URL, but you can also play local videos by providing the file path.

Step 4: Add a Button to Trigger the Video Playback

Add a button to your component that will trigger the `playVideo` function when pressed:

<TouchableOpacity onPress={playVideo}>
  <Text>Play Video</Text>

Step 5: Test the Video Playback

Run your React Native app on a physical device or emulator, and press the “Play Video” button. If everything is set up correctly, MXPlayer should launch and play the video!

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter any issues during the video playback process, here are some common solutions:

Issue Solution
MXPlayer is not installed on the device Make sure MXPlayer is installed on the device, or provide a fallback player for devices that don’t have MXPlayer installed.
Video is not playing in MXPlayer Check that the video URL is correct and accessible. Also, make sure that MXPlayer is properly configured to play videos from your app.
MXPlayer is not responding to the play request Check the MXPlayer documentation for any specific requirements or restrictions on playing videos from external apps.


And that’s it! With these simple steps, you can now play videos in an external player like MXPlayer from your React Native app. Remember to test your app thoroughly to ensure that the video playback experience is seamless and enjoyable for your users.

By providing a better video playback experience, you can increase user engagement and satisfaction, ultimately leading to a more successful app. Happy coding!


You might have some questions about playing videos in external players in React Native. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions:

  1. Can I use other external video players besides MXPlayer?

    Yes, you can use other external video players besides MXPlayer. The process will be similar, but you’ll need to install the corresponding package and import the player component.

  2. How do I customize the video playback experience in MXPlayer?

    You can customize the video playback experience in MXPlayer by providing additional options when playing the video, such as subtitles, playback speed, and more. Check the MXPlayer documentation for available options.

  3. Can I play videos from a local file path?

    Yes, you can play videos from a local file path by providing the file path instead of a URL when playing the video.

We hope this article has been helpful in showing you how to play videos in an external player like MXPlayer in React Native. If you have any further questions or need more guidance, feel free to ask in the comments below!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “How to Play Video in External Player (like MXPlayer) in React Native?” in a creative tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to level up your React Native video game!

Q: Why do I need to play video in an external player like MXPlayer in React Native?

A: Playing videos in an external player like MXPlayer can provide a better user experience, especially if you’re dealing with complex video formats or features like subtitles, Dolby Atmos, or 360-degree videos. React Native’s built-in video player might not support all these features, so using an external player can be a lifesaver!

Q: How do I launch MXPlayer from my React Native app?

A: To launch MXPlayer from your React Native app, you’ll need to use a library like `react-native-send-intent` or `react-native-mx-player` to send an intent to MXPlayer with the video URL. This will open MXPlayer and start playing the video. Make sure MXPlayer is installed on the user’s device, or provide a fallback option!

Q: How can I pass video URL and other parameters to MXPlayer from my React Native app?

A: When sending an intent to MXPlayer, you can pass parameters like the video URL, title, and subtitles using extras in the intent. For example, you can use `react-native-send-intent` and pass the video URL and title as extras: `Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(videoUrl), { title: ‘My Awesome Video’ }`. Consult the MXPlayer documentation for a list of supported extras.

Q: How can I handle errors and edge cases when playing videos in MXPlayer from my React Native app?

A: When launching MXPlayer from your React Native app, you should always handle errors and edge cases, such as MXPlayer not being installed or the video URL being invalid. Use try-catch blocks to catch errors and provide a fallback option, like a built-in video player or an error message, to ensure a smooth user experience.

Q: Are there any other external video players I can use besides MXPlayer in React Native?

A: Yes, there are several other external video players you can use in React Native, such as VLC Player, KMPlayer, or Players for YouTube. Each player has its own strengths and weaknesses, so choose the one that best fits your needs. Make sure to check the player’s documentation and compatibility with React Native before making a decision.

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