KDB Update Dictionary Column from a Table: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Ehud - hkhazo.biz.id

KDB Update Dictionary Column from a Table: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Welcome to our comprehensive guide on updating a dictionary column from a table in KDB (Kx Systems’ Database). In this article, we’ll take you through a series of step-by-step instructions to help you master this essential skill. Whether you’re a seasoned KDB developer or a beginner, this guide is designed to provide you with a clear understanding of the process.

What is a Dictionary Column in KDB?

In KDB, a dictionary column is a data type that stores a collection of key-value pairs. It’s an essential data structure in KDB, allowing you to store and manipulate complex data efficiently. A dictionary column can be thought of as a table within a table, where each row represents a single key-value pair.

Why Update a Dictionary Column from a Table?

There are several scenarios where updating a dictionary column from a table becomes necessary. Here are a few examples:

  • When you need to merge data from multiple tables into a single dictionary column.
  • When you want to update a dictionary column based on a specific condition or rule.
  • When you need to transform or aggregate data from a table into a dictionary column.

In this article, we’ll focus on the last scenario, where we’ll update a dictionary column from a table using various techniques.

Method 1: Updating a Dictionary Column using the `uj` Function

The `uj` function is a powerful tool in KDB that allows you to update a dictionary column from a table. The syntax for `uj` is as follows:

uj[dictionaryColumn; table]

Where `dictionaryColumn` is the name of the dictionary column you want to update, and `table` is the name of the table that contains the data you want to use for the update.

Let’s consider an example:

Suppose we have a table called `tradeData` with the following columns:

Symbol Quantity Price
AAPL 100 150.50
GOOG 50 2500.25
AAPL 200 155.75

We want to update a dictionary column called `position` in a table called `portfolio` using the data from `tradeData`. The `position` column should contain the total quantity and average price for each symbol.

uj[`position; `Symbol`Quantity`Price!(`Symbol`Quantity`Price xdesc `tradeData)]

This will update the `position` column in the `portfolio` table with the following data:

Symbol position
AAPL `Quantity`300`Price`153.125
GOOG `Quantity`50`Price`2500.25

Method 2: Updating a Dictionary Column using the `update` Function

The `update` function is another way to update a dictionary column from a table in KDB. The syntax for `update` is as follows:

update dictionaryColumn: table

Where `dictionaryColumn` is the name of the dictionary column you want to update, and `table` is the name of the table that contains the data you want to use for the update.

Let’s consider an example:

Suppose we have a table called `orderData` with the following columns:

OrderId Symbol Quantity Price
1 AAPL 100 150.50
2 GOOG 50 2500.25
3 AAPL 200 155.75

We want to update a dictionary column called `openOrders` in a table called `tradingAccount` using the data from `orderData`. The `openOrders` column should contain the total quantity and average price for each symbol.

update `openOrders: (`Symbol`Quantity`Price!(`Symbol`Quantity`Price xdesc `orderData))

This will update the `openOrders` column in the `tradingAccount` table with the following data:

Symbol openOrders
AAPL `Quantity`300`Price`153.125
GOOG `Quantity`50`Price`2500.25

Method 3: Updating a Dictionary Column using the `exec` Function

The `exec` function is a powerful tool in KDB that allows you to execute a query on a table and store the result in a dictionary column. The syntax for `exec` is as follows:

exec result: query from table

Where `result` is the name of the dictionary column you want to update, `query` is the query you want to execute, and `table` is the name of the table that contains the data you want to use for the update.

Let’s consider an example:

Suppose we have a table called `tradeHistory` with the following columns:

Symbol Quantity Price TradeDate
AAPL 100 150.50 2022-01-01
GOOG 50 2500.25 2022-01-02
AAPL 200 155.75 2022-01-03

We want to update a dictionary column called `position` in a table called `portfolio` using the data from `tradeHistory`. The `position` column should contain the total quantity and average price for each symbol, grouped by trade date.

exec `position: (select Symbol, Quantity, Price by TradeDate from tradeHistory)

This will update the `position` column in the `portfolio` table with the following data:

TradeDate position
2022-01-01 `Symbol`AAPL`Quantity`100`Price`150.50
2022-01-02 `Symbol`GOOG`Quantity`50`Price`2500.25
2022-01-03 `Symbol`AAPL`Quantity`200`Price`155.75


In this article, we’ve covered three methods for updating a dictionary column from a table in KDB. We’ve shown how to use the `uj` function, the `update` function, and the `exec` function to achieve this task. Each method has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of which method to use depends on the specific requirements of your use case.

We hope this article has provided you with a comprehensive guide to updating dictionary columns from tables in KDB. Whether you’re a

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the answers to the most pressing questions about updating dictionary columns from a table in KDB!

Q1: What is the basic syntax to update a dictionary column in KDB?

The basic syntax to update a dictionary column in KDB is `update column_name = new_value from table_name`. For example, `update dict_col = `dict_col`upsert my_dict from my_table`.

Q2: How can I update a dictionary column with a new key-value pair in KDB?

To update a dictionary column with a new key-value pair, you can use the `upsert` function. For example, `update dict_col = `dict_col`upsert `new_key`new_value` from my_table` will add a new key-value pair to the dictionary column.

Q3: Can I update a dictionary column conditionally in KDB?

Yes, you can update a dictionary column conditionally in KDB using a `where` clause. For example, `update dict_col = `dict_col`upsert my_dict from my_table where condition` will update the dictionary column only where the condition is true.

Q4: How do I update a dictionary column with a new dictionary in KDB?

To update a dictionary column with a new dictionary, simply assign the new dictionary to the column. For example, `update dict_col = `new_dict` from my_table` will replace the existing dictionary with the new one.

Q5: Can I update a dictionary column in KDB using a SELECT statement?

No, you cannot update a dictionary column in KDB using a SELECT statement. Updates are performed using the `update` statement, while SELECT is used for querying data.