Can You Send Emails with SMTP Postfix to 587 or 465? The Ultimate Guide!
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Can You Send Emails with SMTP Postfix to 587 or 465? The Ultimate Guide!

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In the world of email delivery, using SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a common practice. Postfix, a popular open-source mail transfer agent (MTA), is often used to send emails. But, have you ever wondered: Is it possible to send emails with SMTP Postfix to 587 or 465? In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of email delivery, explore the differences between these two ports, and provide step-by-step instructions on how to configure Postfix to send emails using these ports.

What’s the difference between ports 587 and 465?

Before we dive into the configuration process, let’s understand the basics of these two ports.

Port 587 is a submission port, which is used for sending emails from mail clients (like Outlook, Gmail, or Thunderbird) to a mail server. This port is primarily used for mail submission, and it’s not meant for receiving emails.

Port 465, on the other hand, is a deprecated port that was previously used for SSL/TLS encryption. It’s no longer recommended for use, as it’s been replaced by port 587 for secure mail submission. However, some older systems might still use port 465, so we’ll cover both options in this article.

Configuring Postfix to send emails using port 587

To configure Postfix to send emails using port 587, you’ll need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Edit the Postfix configuration file

sudo nano /etc/postfix/

In this file, add the following lines:

relayhost = []:587
smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
smtp_tls_security_level = encrypt

Replace with your mail server’s hostname or IP address.

Step 2: Create a sasl_passwd file

sudo nano /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd

In this file, add the following lines:

[]:587 username:password

Replace username and password with your mail server’s credentials.

Step 3: Hash the sasl_passwd file

sudo postmap hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd

Step 4: Restart Postfix

sudo service postfix restart

Your Postfix server is now configured to send emails using port 587!

Configuring Postfix to send emails using port 465

As mentioned earlier, port 465 is a deprecated port, and it’s not recommended for use. However, if you still need to use it, follow these steps:

Step 1: Edit the Postfix configuration file

sudo nano /etc/postfix/

In this file, add the following lines:

relayhost = []:465
smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd
smtp_tls_security_level = encrypt
smtp_use_tls = yes

Replace with your mail server’s hostname or IP address.

Step 2: Create a sasl_passwd file

sudo nano /etc/postfix/sasl_passwd

In this file, add the following lines:

[]:465 username:password

Replace username and password with your mail server’s credentials.

Step 3: Hash the sasl_passwd file

sudo postmap hash:/etc/postfix/sasl_passwd

Step 4: Restart Postfix

sudo service postfix restart

Your Postfix server is now configured to send emails using port 465!

Troubleshooting common issues

When configuring Postfix to send emails using ports 587 or 465, you might encounter some common issues. Here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • relay access denied error:

    Check your mail server’s relay settings and ensure that your Postfix server’s IP address is allowed to relay emails.

  • connection refused error:

    Check your mail server’s firewall settings and ensure that the chosen port (587 or 465) is open for outgoing connections.

  • authentication failed error:

    Check your mail server’s credentials and ensure that they’re correct. Also, verify that the sasl_passwd file is correctly hashed.


In conclusion, sending emails with SMTP Postfix to ports 587 and 465 is possible, but it’s essential to understand the differences between these two ports and configure your Postfix server correctly. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to send emails using these ports and troubleshoot common issues that might arise.

Remember, port 587 is the recommended port for secure mail submission, while port 465 is deprecated and should be avoided if possible.

Happy emailing!

Port Description
587 Submission port for sending emails from mail clients to a mail server
465 Deprecated port for SSL/TLS encryption (not recommended for use)
  1. Configure Postfix to send emails using port 587 or 465

  2. Understand the differences between ports 587 and 465

  3. Troubleshoot common issues that might arise during configuration

This article has provided a comprehensive guide to sending emails with SMTP Postfix to ports 587 and 465. By following the instructions and troubleshooting tips outlined here, you’ll be able to configure your Postfix server to send emails efficiently and securely.

Keywords: SMTP Postfix, port 587, port 465, email delivery, mail submission, mail server, Postfix configuration, sasl_passwd, relayhost, smtp_sasl_auth_enable, smtp_tls_security_level

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  1. . The article provides clear instructions, explanations, and troubleshooting tips to help readers understand the topic comprehensively.

    Frequently Asked Question

    Get the scoop on sending emails with SMTP Postfix to 587 or 465!

    Can I use SMTP Postfix to send emails to port 587?

    Yes, you can! Port 587 is a popular alternative to port 25, and it's widely supported by many email providers. In fact, it's the recommended port for submitting emails from Mail User Agents (MUAs) to Mail Transfer Agents (MTAs). So, go ahead and configure your SMTP Postfix to send emails to port 587 – it should work like a charm!

    What about port 465? Can I use it with SMTP Postfix too?

    Well, it's a bit more complicated. Port 465 was previously used for SSL-encrypted SMTP, but it's now deprecated and shouldn't be used. In fact, the IETF has explicitly stated that port 465 should not be used for SMTP submission. Instead, use port 587 with TLS encryption, which is the recommended and secure way to send emails. So, while you might be able to use port 465 with SMTP Postfix, it's not the best idea.

    Do I need to make any special configurations in Postfix to use port 587?

    Not really! Postfix typically uses port 25 by default, but you can easily switch to port 587 by updating the `relayhost` parameter in your Postfix configuration file. Just set `relayhost = [your.mail.server]:587`, and you're good to go! You might need to adjust some other settings depending on your specific setup, but that's the basic idea.

    Will using port 587 affect the delivery of my emails?

    Not at all! As long as you've configured Postfix correctly, using port 587 shouldn't impact the delivery of your emails. In fact, many email providers prefer port 587 over port 25, since it's less likely to be blocked by firewalls or flagged as spam. So, go ahead and use port 587 with confidence – your emails should reach their destinations just fine!

    Is there a specific reason why I should choose port 587 over port 25?

    Actually, yes! Port 25 is often blocked by ISPs and cloud providers to prevent spamming, so using port 587 can help ensure that your emails get delivered more reliably. Additionally, port 587 is designed specifically for mail submission, whereas port 25 is used for mail transfer between servers. So, using port 587 is a more elegant and modern way to send emails – it's like using a dedicated lane for mail traffic!